TeamSnap is offering clubs & leagues the chance to lower participation costs and make youth sports more accessible to every athlete involved.
Ready to get started? Let us know by filling out this quick form!
"Our Club, Cleveland Force, has completed the HundredX fundraising campaign on a few occasions now with great success! The funds we raise help offset Scholarship Financial Aid our Club provides families in need. The campaign has helped us raise over $30,000 in Aid over the past couple of years!" — CLEVELAND FORCE SOCCER CLUB
No! Each parent that completes 75 surveys generates $75 in funds raised for your organization. Taking 75 surveys will take about 75 minutes over the course of a month.
Yes, after results are finalized, TeamSnap will issue your organization a check for the full amount of funds raised. You can disperse those funds as you need to.
A qualifying piece of feedback is a response that passes the qualification standards for HundredX. It really comes down to time spent on each survey. The average time to take a single survey is 60 seconds. As long as you answer the surveys, don't just breeze through them, and spend at least 45 seconds on each survey, then you will be fine. HundredX does review feedback at the end of the program though and will remove any duplicate accounts or surveys that were taken too quickly. Please account for this for your incentives.
TeamSnap will send you a daily report on the total number of sign-ups and dollars raised you have. At the mid-way and end point of the month, you will also get a participant list of who has signed up (First Name, Last Name, Email, How Many Surveys They Took) so you can use this for your incentive program.
Yes, funds are earned by participating clubs on a first-come, first-serve basis. There will be plenty of funds to start, but once it runs out then the program will end. We'll keep you updated daily on how much funds are left to earn.
Onboard TeamSnap today for easy payments, registration, and communication. Discuss your options with our TeamSnap for Business specialists today.