Dec 13, 2019 • 13 min read
Quiz: Winter Sports Trivia
Brrr! It’s cold outside! With snow and ice comes some of our favorite sports. How well do you know winter sports? Take this quiz to find out.
In curling, the object of the game is to get your stones closer to this spot:
After speed skydiving, which winter sport is the second fastest non-motorized sport on Earth?
In doubles luge, how are the two athletes positioned?
Doubles luge is a relay event with only one athlete on the sled at a time
In speed skating the skater must switch lanes every lap. Which skater has the right of way?
The skater going from outside to inside lane
The skater going from inside to outside lane
Whomever gets there first
The skaters follow a randomly assigned order
Whomever signals the official first
Which sport is the official national winter sport of Canada?
In figure skating, what is the term for a jump which includes a one-half extra rotation, generally considered to be the hardest skill?
What is the goal in ski jumping?
Stay in the air as long as possible
Land perfectly with one knee down
Stay in the air as long as possible and land perfectly with one knee down.
Go as far as possible, stay in the air as long as possible, and land perfectly with one knee down.
Which winter sport traces its origins to an exercise for Norwegian soldiers, and combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting?
In skeleton, how does the athlete steer the sled down the track?
There is no way to steer the sled.
With levers on the sides of the sled.
By remote control from their teammates.
Using shoulder, head or body movements.
Using a remote in their palm.
Slight pushes of their feet.
What precision sport, played on ice with polished heavy stones, is especially well established in Canada?
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